Who is Daisy Hospital? Daisy Integrated Hospital is the Best Nature Cure Hospital in Tamil Nadu. We don’t treat our patients by a single system, Instead, we have adopted integrated treatment. We integrate Siddha, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Electro homeopathy, Unani, and Nature Cure. Our Integrated treatment depends upon the Ailment, Constitutional, Age, acceptability, and parameters observed. The Patients were taught special yoga and excellent diet therapy, which is needed to cure the Ailment. Why We Need Health Mix? Daisy Orgamix "Health Mix" is made of several ingredients that are rich in Nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals and other several health benefits. Health mix is a nutritious blend of Cereals, Millets and Pulses, Nuts, and has no added Sugar. The combination of cereals and pulses ensures your body gets the right protein profile. What Are the Ingredients in Daisy Orgamix Health Mix? Soya Beans Karuppu ulundhu Paasi Payaru Karuppu Kadalai Barley Rice Sukku Powder Horse Gram P...